Q. List the major pests and diseases of rice and discuss shoot borer’s damage and management.
Ans: Major pests of rice: Stem borer and Leaf folder
Major diseases of rice- Leaf and neck blast and Bacterial leaf blight Description about shoot borer
Nature of damage – Symptoms of stem borer damage are deadhearts and whiteheads. Whiteheads are discolored panicles with empty or partially filled grains. Larvae feed on the tissues around the node.
Management – Adopt seedling root dip treatment in 0.05% Chlorpyriphos emulsion for one minute before transplanting in endemic areas. Apply Carbofuran 3G @ 20 kg ha-1 or Phorate 10 G @ 12.5 kg ha-1 or Fenitrothion 50EC @ 0.1%.