Online Admission for the following Courses/ Programmes is going on for the session 2021-22
1. H. S. First Year (Arts)
2. B.Sc First Year
3. B. A. First Year
4.B.Com First Year
Applicants will have to log on to the portal: to do registration and submission of Online Application form.
Admission in to H. S. First Year (Arts) and B. A. First Year will be free of cost for the applicants belonging to the domicile State of Assam. BSc and BCom programmes of the College are Self sustaining and applicants will have to pay all fees.
Applicants must generate Unique ID from the Web portal created by Director of Higher Education, Assam.
Applicants from CBSE, ICSE and other State Boards may also apply for provisional admission.
Last date of submission of Online Application will be notified in the Website/Portal.
For more details Website:
SB Deorah College Merit List 2021: Click Here
Email: [email protected]
Step by step guide for Online Form fill up SB Deorah College Admission
Applicants from CBSE, ICSE and other State Boards can also apply for provisional admission.
Click the ‘Apply Online’ button
Then click the ‘New Enrolment’ button and register yourself by filling required fields. The candidate should have a valid Email ID and Mobile No. for registration.
After successfully registering, the candidate has to fill up the application form part by part by clicking the “save next” button
Candidate has to fill Bank Account details like Bank Name, Branch Name, Account No. and IFSC number as given in the form.
Upload passport size photograph and signature of the candidate. The size of the passport sized photograph and scanned signature should preferably be less than 5 MB.
Documents needed to be uploaded during form fill up:
- Last Examination Mark-sheet (Compulsory)
- Caste Certificate(If applied for quota)
- Income Certificate (If applied for)
- Domicile State Certificate (Compulsory)
- Domicile State Certificate (Compulsory)
After filling up all the details correctly, the candidate has to preview the Application Form.
Candidates belonging to States other than Assam or candidates applying for seats in BCom/BSc Programmes (Self-sustaining) will have to pay the prospectus fees by clicking “Final Submit” button. After the payment is successful, their application will be completely submitted and they can download their Application form respectively.
HS first year (Arts) and BA first year admissions are under free admission category for applicants belonging to Assam. They can download their application form after clicking the “Final Submit” button. However, the applicants from outside the State applying for seats in HS first year (Arts) and BA first year will have to pay the Prospectus fee for final submission of their online application.
About S.B. Deorah College
S.B. Deorah College is situated in Guwahati in Assam state of India. Established in 1989, and it is affiliated to Gauhati University. SBDC, Guwahati offers 10 courses across 3 streams namely Arts, Education, Commerce and Banking and across degrees like BA,BSC B.Com.Hostel facility is not available for its students. Additional campus facilities such as Boys Hostel, Canteen, Mess, Library are also there. S B Deorah College Admission Notice 2021-2022.
Can I now apply for Bsc in SB Deorah college, 2020?
Can I now apply for Bsc in Sb Deorah college ,2021?
Yes why not
Hello bro
I want to apply for BA in S B Deborah college
I want to apply for BA in SB Deorah
I want to apply for BA in SB Deorah
I want to apply for BA
I want to apply for BA1sem
I want to apply for BA 1 sem
sb deurah ka bcom 2021
merit list kab ayega