Jatiya Bidyalaya Rangjuli Recruitment 2020 – Instant Job Notifications on all Latest and Upcoming Job Vacancies of Jatiya Bidyalaya Rangjuli Recruitment 2020 right here at JobAssam. Get the important official updates and Job news Assam Latest Recruitment 2020 for the jobseekers benefit. To get daily job opening alerts on Jatiya Bidyalaya Rangjuli Vacancy at your hands, regularly keep in touch with JobAssam.net
Applications are invited in standard form with full supporting documents having graduation with English Major for the post of Asstt Teacher (one) in Jatiya Bidyalaya, Rangjuli.
Salary negotiable.
Application must reach the following address on or before 22.01.2020.
Interview: 23.01.2020, 11 A.M.
All original documents must be produced at time of interview.
Secretary (M. No. 9864347074)
Jatiya Bidyalaya Rangjuli, PO: Rangjuli, PIN: 783130, Dist: Goalpara, Assam.