Choose the most appropriate statement for MMS.

Q. Choose the most appropriate statement for MMS.

(a) Sending video files
(b) Sending audio file
(c) Sending text files only
(d) Sending Multimedia content

Ans: (d) Sending Multimedia content

Q. Collection of hyper linked documents available on the internet is known as___________.
a. Website
b. Webpage
c. Search Engine
d. URL

Ans: (a) Website

Q. The HTML tag used to make the text italics is ____:
a. <italics>
b. <ita>
c. <i>
d. <L>

Ans: (c) <i>

Q. What type of CSS is the following code snippet?
<h1 style=”color:blue;”>A Blue Heading</h1>
a. External
b. Inline
c. Outline
d. Internal

Ans: (b) Inline

Q. Which tag is used to provide line beak __________ in html document.
a. <p>
b. <br>
c. <line>
d. <em>

Ans: (b) <br>

Q. The attribute of the <IMG> tag used to specify the location of an image is ____:
a. img
b. src
c. alt
d. name

Ans: (b) src

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