The Great Man I Admire Most Essay 300 Words
Introduction: Many Great men and women of our country and of foreign lands have become a great Inspiration for me. But I always reserve my admiration and appreciation for Dr.Bhupen Hazarika, one of the greatest lyricists, & great musician and singer of the world. that Assam has ever produced. This great poet and film-maker of Assan was born at Sadia on september- 8,1926. His father Nilakanta Hazartha was a Govt. official and his mother Santipriya Hazarika was a very religious lady.
Education and career: Bhupen Hazarika took his education at different places of Assam as his father had to work at different places. He got his early education at Dhuburi and Tezpur and passed the Matriculation Examination from Tezpur High School in 1940. He studied at Cotton College. Guwahati
and got B.A. And M.A. Degree from Banaras Hindu University. Later he parsued for his great achivement at Colombia University and won Ph.D. Degree there. He met Priyambada
Patel at Colombia University, whom he married in 1950. His only son Tez Hazarika is now a citizen of the U.S.A.
Activities: Bhupen Hazarika worked in different fields of art, culture, literature, politics and social works and emarged as a great figure. For a short period he became the professor of Gauhati University. But Bhupen Hazarika was a born artist and musician who devoted himself to work for the mass people of the world. His musical tone has a univershal appeal for “Manuhe Manuhor Baabe.” i.e. man for mankind. Bhupen Hazarika made a great number films in Assamese. He be came the Music Directors of films in different languages and won the award of best Music Directors. He became the President of Assam Sahitya Shabha of Sibsagar Season in 1993 Great Bhupen Hazarika adored the post of president of Sangeet Natak Academy of India. He was also an M.L.A. of Assam Bidhan Shabha. But all the time he was a great musician, “Shudha Kantha”. This man of great reput died on 5″ November,2011.
Conclusion: Bhupen Hazarika is really a living legend, a great lover of mankind, who went on singing for the good of all. He is an immortal soul winning the hearts of millions, from east to west.
My best admiration is always for Bhupen Hazarika, who is my inspiration in life.
Thank you!