Q. Explain about the diet that is basically used for the patients who are unable to tolerate solid food.
Ans: Liquid diets must be used for patients who are unable to take or tolerate solid food. It consists of clear fluids (non – residual diet) and full fluid diet (residual fluid diet).
(a) Clear Fluid Diet: Clear fluids are used when there is a marked intolerance to foods and roughage. These include clear tea, weak black coffee, clear soups, whey water, strained fruit juices, soda water and other aerated beverages. Such fluids have particularly no food value, but can help to maintain the fluid balance of the body. Calories can be added by the use of sugar or glucose. Clear fluid diet should be used only for a short time since the clients may develop deficiency symptoms.
(b) Full Fluid Diet: Full fluid diet is given when the total nutrition of the client has to be maintained by fluids for a considerable time. This is necessary when a client is unable to swallow solid food or if the client is fed by tube feeding. Milk forms the basis of the diet. To this can be added egg in the form of egg flips, thin custard, etc. to supply calcium, protein vitamin A, and iron calories can be made up from carbohydrate in the form of starch in thin cereal preparation or by adding sugar or glucose. Adequate amounts of vitamins can be supplied in the form of medical concentrates. Salt should be added unless it is restricted.