Q. (a) Define food safety.
(b) List any three conditions under which food is considered unsafe for human consumption.
Ans: (a)Food Safety: Food safety means an assurance that food is acceptable for human consumption and will not cause any harm.
(b) Three conditions under which food is considered unsafe for human consumption:
1. When food has preservatives and food colour in excess than prescribed.
2. When food has heavy metals.
3. When container of the food reacts with the food material.
4. When food has residues of pesticides in excess amount.
Q. While purchasing the following products, how can a consumer be deceived by the shopkeeper. Give two points in each situation.
(i) Milk
(ii) Cloth
Ans: (i) Milk
1. Might not measure the milk till the brim
2. Might not empty it completely
3. Bottom might be raised
4. Measuring milk along with froth
5.Milk may be adulterated
(ii) Cloth
1. May use bent measuring rod
2. Price variation
3. Sale tactics
4. Selling without bill/cash memo
5. Poor/inferior quality of cloth
Q. a. As a consumer what are the likely adulterants to be found in the following foods which can be detrimental to health?
(i) Turmeric powder
(ii) Mustard oil
b. Enumerate three ill effects of each of the adulterants (mentioned at a above) on health.
Ans: a. (i) Adulterant in Turmeric powder –
Metanil yellow
(ii) Adulterant in Mustard oil Argemone oil
b. Three ill effects of each of the adulterants –
Metanil yellow –
1. Cancer
2. Anaemia
3. Mental Retardation
4. Abnormalities in skin, eyes, lung and bones
Argemone oil –
1. Oedema (Swelling)
2. Kidney failure
3. Enlarged liver
4. Blindness